Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1. Why did you select the book you brought to class?
      I select this book because I enjoy reading about Mythologies of the World.

2. How many authors does it have? Some books have none: they have an editor.
       It has four authors. The authors name Michael McKenzie et al.

3. What is the title?
     The title is Mythologies of the World.

4. Who printed the book? Re-printed? Distributed in the US?
      It was produced for Transedition Limited by Bander Richardson White.       

5. Which city was it printed in, and when? You may find that certain books were printed again and several years are printed when editions came to maket. Choose the last year and tell which edition it was. If a book was printed in 1940, 1968, 1982, you pick 1982 and count to three: 3rd edition 1982
      It printed in Italy in 2001.

       I select this book because I enjoy reading about Mythologies of the World such as; Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The book has four authors. The authors name Michael McKenzie et al. The title of this book is Mythologies of the World. It was written for Transedition Limited by Bander Richardson White. It printed in Italy in 2001.

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